I am finally doing it! I realize to you, that it seems like *poof* I am here. Well…it has been two long years of having this website sitting, lurking, hiding in the shadows watching. Yep….that sounds super scary, that’s how I feel about starting this blog. I figure there is not time like now. I’m sitting at my child’s practice and rather than holding my breath every time they do something that could potentially send them to the hospital; I turn to the keyboard and commence with actually getting this started. So here we go!!! *puts her hands up and waits for the inpending dip of the roller coaster*

As per my introduction, I have no idea what I’m doing. I thought I should get a little help. I was swiping through Pintereest (I LOVE pinterest), and found this 30 day challenge of blog post ideas. Now….will I do it in 30 days….no…at least not at the beginning. I am using it more for you (if there are any “yous” reading) to get to know me, me to get in the habit of blogging….and to figure out what the hell I am doing with this blog.

The first day is to write an introduction. Well…that was easy…already done!! The rest of the challenge will deep dive into more things about me so I won’t go into to much detail now. I am sincerely hoping that this will help figure out where this blog is going. Thanks for joining me on the ride!!