Day two of the 30 day challenge!! For me…it’s not exactly day two. Here we go. Ten Facts about me. Now the decision, do I stay normal or do I go kind of out there with the facts?
Fact 1: I have two adorable bunnies! They are sisters with names Tulip and Petal. The bigger one is name Tulip. Get it…Tulip for the bigger one, Petal for the smaller? Well…I thought it was funny. My sense of humor is interesting (does that count as a fact). They are litter trained and we are attemtping free roaming, while we are home. I am not sure they will ever be able to be free roaming without supervision. They are soft, gray and FULL OF PERSONALITY!! To my suprise, as I have owned bunnies before, these two will eat ANYTHING!! Hay, carrots, brussel sprouts, fennel, crackers, chocolate, crunch rolls (not the meat), wires, plastic. Few! It’s been crazy learningi their habits. These two are more like dogs than bunnies. Don’t worry, we have pulled away, anything that they have tried to eat that’s not good for them. These two need serious bunny proofiing and supervision.
Fact 2: I have recently bought my first house. I am approaching 45 and just now buying my first house. I am a late bloomer. I have always walked/grown slower than everyone else. It is a wonderful and intersting adventure. It’s hard to believe we have only been there a few months when I feel like we have lived their for years! I got goosebumps when we looked at this house. It needs some love and attention, but it definitely has a magic and an energy about it that I love everyday!!
Fact 3: I love video games!! I now have children that love them too. I am currently playing Little Big Planet with my oldest. My youngest enjoys Smash Bros and Mariokart. My youngest will do their own thing, while the rest of us compete with each other. It’s a great time!!
Fact 4: I am studying tarot. I really enjoy learning tarot. Right now I am actively studying the Rider Waite Coleman Smith system. I am starting to get it. I hope to read for people someday. I don’t want to use the word ”professionally”, I feel like that puts a strain on me that I just don’t need or want. I am also looking forward to jumping into Lenormand.
Fact 5: Tom Robbins is one of my favorite authors. He’s blunt. He curses a lot. Two things that we have in common. Ha! All of them have some type of blunt character, have some sort of adventure (even if it’s just around the city), discuss a myth…or mythos (never sure of which word is correct) and culture I have never heard of. If you are going to check out some of his books, I warn you they can be pretty sexually explicit.
Fact 6: I believe music is everything. It’s rare for me not to have something going in the background. There is something I…well…I guess something I can appreciate in all genres..yes…even speed metal and bluegrass. Don’t ask me to name any bands or singers, but I appreciate that those genres exist and what they bring to the music…uh…table? I also feel like everyone has a song or songs that they remember from a certain time or specific event in their lives. Whenever they here it, it takes them back.
Fact 7: I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Before you (whoever actually reads this) ask… house is not immaculate. While having a more organized and cleaner house does help with my anxiety, it’s not the center of my disorder. I have a fear of leaving something on, plugged in, lit, and causing a fire. I also have anxiety that I’ll accidentally leave something open or unlocked and someone will break into our house. I also have a difficult time with germs. Not just any germs, but my germs. If I am cooking something for gets, I am constantly washing my hands. I don’t put my fingers in my mouth even if they are dripping with chocolate. It all makes me anxious. My thought process is that what if I have a small speck of dirt on my hands or sick germ in my mouth and I spread it to someone else. Yikes! I do have a routine that I need to do before I leave the house every time. Sometimes I need to fully unplug things such as the TV or lamps, it depends on how anxious I feel. I also have to do things a certain amount of time On a good day it’s 3 times for each thing I am checking, stove, air fryer, fridge, etc. On a bad day it could be any multiple of three; 6, 9, 12. When I am especially stuck, I just stay home.
Fact 8: I was born at home. Not on purpose. I know that it has become a fairly common occurance these days, but back when I was born it was not. My mom was even told to get to the hospital as soon as possible, because her labor was not easy the last time. Well…instead, she accidentally gave birth in her apartment with a bunch of ambulance guys helping out. None of them ever delivered a baby for…so…it was interesting for everyone.
Fact 9: I love winter!! I miss big snow storms, and cold weather. When I say cold weather, I mean bundling up just to walk next door. I miss those days. Where I live now we don’t get a whole lot of that. I makes me sad. My kids have only experienced maybe one or two good storms in their lives. I mean…granted my kids aren’t super old, they are still in elementary school, but that is when snow storms are the best!!
Fact 10: Thanks for taking the time to read these. This is long enough so I wanted to say a quick thank you. I love hats . I can sport just about any hat and make it look good. Just the hat…the rest of the attire meh. I’ll have to start taking pictures of me in random hats. Oooh!! That could be a segment!!