Wow! So….here’s to a month between entries. I have decided that when the school year begins, I just need to focus on getting into the new year routine. I can’t pretend…or..heck…even fool myself in into believing that I can do it all. Ya know….because I can’t.

The third entry for the thirty day blog challenge….hmmm…I guess I took that literally…every thirty days I write a post…anyway. The third entry is to talk about my personality and values. This is an interesting topic to have for just the third entry.

I feel like this is a job interview with the ”what are your worst traits” and “what are you best traits” questions. Well…let’s start off by saying that I have a VERY good resting bitch face. I tend to put off a don’t mess or come near me or you will lose your head (figuratively speaking of course) kind of vibe. I tend to be a perfectionist….or rather I stress myself out to be perfect…never come anywhere close. My sense of humor is usually pretty dry. The blood is the color of sarcasm. I am trying to be less sarcastic, but sometimes I find it appropriate…usually more for laughs rather than cruelty. I tend to be more introverted…more so as I have got older, and…well…since my cardiomyopathy diagnosis. I think I have always been introverted, but felt like it was more appropriate, or perhaps my duty, to be extroverted. We will save that whole piece for another time. I

My values…hmm…. I try to be as honest as possible WITHOUT being brutal. I feel like there is never a need to be shitty. I think I am more afraid to say the truth rather than wanting to lye to someone, if that makes any sense. I try to take courage and always speak truth rather than being silent. I appreciate others being not-shitty truthful. I believe in inclusivity. I do my best to be aware of that at all times, and raise my children as such. I believe that it is my responsiblity to raise my children to be more aware and supportive of others than I was taught. I believe in a good work ethic. I am sure more will come up as I move through blogging. I am not sure if I covered my values, as I often get values, morals, and ethic mixed up.

That about sums it up. I am going to make an effort to be more weekly starting with this entry. We will see what happens. Love and kindness to all of us.