Here we are again, doing my best figuring out what the hell I’m doing. Writing to write…hopefully find some focus blog. Here I am at day 6 of the 30 Day Blog Challenge. I think I am going to try to increase my blog entries to twice a week, and see where that gets me. At the rate I’m going; I’ll never be done with the challenge. Of course, I realize that the only “readers” I have are spam and bots, but…if I keep going….maybe…someday…someone else will be interested.
Now back to today’s topic, five things I can’t live without. This took some time to think about. I feel like the ones that I pick are going to be really random. Here we go.
Can’t Live Without #1. I would have to say that is my books. All of them, those that I have read because I am reading them again for a book challenge and it was super handy to just pick out rather than have to find it. Combining my books with my family’s books creates a GREAT library. It’s and easy to be read list. I have and will read e-books, especially during the book challenge. It’s way easier to search the library via online than it is to have to go and look. That is about all I like about e-books. I LOVE holiding a book….it feels cozy to me. Plus…I love the smell of books!!
Can’t Live Without #2. Just as a side, these are in no particular order…except perhaps….this is how they came to me. So, the second I think would be the internet. I LOVE the internet. It has made my life so much easier….except for when it takes up too much of my time lazily scrolling social media. I am getting better. I love that I can quickly send an email to my doctors, look up test results, and make appointments without having to wait. I don’t know if I’m becoming impatient or if the convenience of the internet has made me that way. Could be both. Seriously though…it helps my kid look up things easier. I don’t have to have reference books all over the place (I prefer books that I actually want to read in my library).
Can’t Live Without #3. My watch. I know, really? Normally I would say regularly wind it up type of watch, but now…it has been updated. My watch helps me so much in my life. The first and most important, I don’t have to chase after my phone for texts messages and such. After that…it helps me keep track of my health which is very important. Finally, I can call my phone if I can’t find it. Very helpful to have LoJack for my phone.
Can’t Live Without #4. My tarot and oracle decks. I love them!!! I don’t have a lot, but I do love them. I use them everyday. I like the insight they give and also the warnings or what to be on the look out for (both good and bad) throughout my day. Each deck is different, and gives me different vibes. I am also starting to realize that they have different purposes, or target areas. Like, they are better at certain things than others. Yes…I know they aren’t real, but….they are magick and they have my energy in them and that makes them helpful to me.
Can’t Live Without #5. Finally…meditation. Stillness is hard, but super important to my well-being. I also enjoy guided meditations as well. When I can’t seem to find stillness, or when I am out of practice this helps me sort of…remember or reacquaint myself to the practice.
That’s it!! Five things I can’t live without. I hope you enjoyed this blog post. On a side note, I need to find a good closing for my entries.