Trigger Warning: Talk of depression within this entry. Change, depression, brain fog….it’s all real. It’s all real and all at the same time it can suck. There has been some changes that made life hectic, some depression that went deep, and brain fog that didn’t let me keep it together.
There have been some changes, but the big change is the fact that we had some sewage issues and ended up having to stay in a hotel for a few days. This made a strapped budget even tighter. We made it work, and luckily there was a complimentary breakfast and we had a fridge and stovetop. It was tough, but it got done rather quickly once things got started.
The depression got pretty bad. I haven’t had it that bad since I was in high school. I knew it was happening, so I was able to communicate what was happening to my support team and get what I needed. A lot of it was just getting through my day and whatever responsibilities I had to do regarding my kids. My husband was SUPER helpful in taking on more stuff while I worked through this depression. I’m still having some ebbs and flows, but so much better than even last month. I realize that I am very blessed to have the support system I have. I didn’t have that in high school, it was more than rough.
Here comes the brain fog. Well…ya know…depression…so therefore brain fog. I already have brain fog due to my illness, but it was like tripled during this time of depression. I couldn’t follow through on anything. I couldn’t make a plan or a to-do list. I forgot EVERYTHING!! No one could depend on me. Just like with the depression, I did the bare minimum for my family and I don’t remember much else.
With all that being said….things are moving/processing and such. I am starting to get out of “survival mode” and doing the minimum to keep things together. I am getting into being more productive and a regular self-care regime. I am also hoping to make this blog thing work. I really do enjoy writing, and I feel like I just might have some interesting things posted as I make this more of a top item on my list. Here goes nothing…..