How does this happen? Is this really the position we are putting our children in? Are we really becoming a place of division, privilege, and hate? Have we forgot how to learn about things we don’t understand? Have we forgot how to just walk by someone or something we don’t necessarily support or agree with? How did we start putting our nose in other people’s biz? When did we decide that our choice of living is for everyone, regardless? How did we get to the point that kids can be another kid bloody and the adults that are supposed to keep students safe deem it not an emergency? How did our schools become so callus and “righteous” that a bathroom beating isn’t considered a travesty because of who was being beaten?
We are doing such a disservice to our children. Raising our children to hate different. Entrusting our children to adults who hate different. Sadly, many of us don’t have a choice but to send them to schools in certain districts/areas. It’s hard enough raising kids, watching them grow and struggle and reach to find themselves. In this day we now have to worry about cyber bullying, strangers on the internet, strangers near the playground, and school shootings. I guess that’s not enough. Now we have to worry about them just going to school and interacting with other children….and adults that are supposed to be supporting them!!??!!
Nex Benedict should still be alive. They should still be hanging with friends, enjoying school, doing what they love to do. Children go through so much while in school. Kids are just learning academically, they are learning how to be a part of society. Apparently it’s not only to be a part of, but also now how to survive society. Why? A group of people don’t agree that another group of people shouldn’t exist. I mean a group of human beings should exist because of who they love, don’t connect with the idea of the binary, or even simply just to live. How insane does that sound?
This angers me. This is not right. Our society isn’t getting smarter, it’s getting dumber. Our society has become a disaster.
Nex Benedict should still be alive. Raising our children to hate is absolutely shameful. Allowing school employees to discriminate so much that a bloody beating can happen is criminal.
Nex Benedict should still be alive!!