Some housekeeping. Entries for this topic may be twice a week. I fear I may never get through the Bible if I don’t. We will see how that goes.
Let’s start with the Holy Day. “And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done (Genesis 2:3).” So…how did this day become Sunday? A day in which no one rests or….if you have children…can’t rest because of…well kids. Then there is the fact that Sunday is known as the beginning of the week. This is where I feel like things start to get a little wonky on considering it truth. Every spiritual path or even culture has its own creation story (many of them similar to each other). Why is this the one that is said be the story, spiritually speaking. It is because it is more human like? Does it make more sense becuase it is closer to being human or mundane, having a time line, rest, and such? I
“And the Lord God commanded the man, ‘You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die’ (Genesis 2:16-17).” People often talk of the dark night of the soul. This intense process of transformation. I feel like when God said that Adam would die, I don’t think he meant literally. I think that his innocence and naiveté would be gone. Adam would have the weight of full awareness and the guilt of “wrong-doing” on his shoulders. Without that knowledge, he could be free to just live blissfully unaware of pain and sadness. Whenever anything changes or is lost…or even gained..there is a process of mourning. Things are not longer what they once were. Gaining this knowledge Adam has now lost and gained so many things and not all of them joyful.
”The man and his wife were both naked and they felt no shame (Genesis 2:26).” Oh what bliss; to even feel clothed and no shame would be a big step for me. To feel no shame for being naked, now that just seems impossible. How amazing though. Here’s a question….how did eating from the tree of knowledge make nakedness evil..or even just shameful. What is truly so wrong? What knowledge could have possibly been gained that nakedness was something bad? Why would God want us naked if he knew it was evil or something to feel guil over?