Ahhhh…the story of Cain and Abel…and some random filler. So, here we have two brothers that are working hard doing what they can for their family. Cain, fruit and Abel, sheep. After they have worked hard to produce something and to be proud of what they have done; they give offerings to God from their…
A Witch Reads the Bible Genesis 3
So let’s talk about sin. More specifically let’s talk about original sin. The reason that we need to be baptized when we are just babes to wash away the sin we are born with. Perhaps I will discover when this happened as I read on, at the momen, I have questions. Adam and Eve did…
Keep It Simple Smarty
Yeah….that’s how I role. Why would I want to call myself stupid…when the whole point is that I am reminding myself to keep it simple. I mean I am remembering that I want to keep it simple. Smart, right? Yeah…I’m reaching. When I started practicing magick, I felt that there needed to be a process.…
Witch Reads the Bible Genesis 2:3 – 26
Some housekeeping. Entries for this topic may be twice a week. I fear I may never get through the Bible if I don’t. We will see how that goes. Let’s start with the Holy Day. “And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of…
A Witch Reads the Bible: Genesis 1:26-
And so we return….. ”Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” (Genesis 1:26) This is where…
Whatever Wednesday: Change is Real
Trigger Warning: Talk of depression within this entry. Change, depression, brain fog….it’s all real. It’s all real and all at the same time it can suck. There has been some changes that made life hectic, some depression that went deep, and brain fog that didn’t let me keep it together. There have been some changes,…
A Witch Reads the Bible
I realize that this is nothing new, but I figured I would tackle it too. Maybe it will be the same input and maybe there will be something different…maybe….at least once…maybe. I will be using my student bible that I bought…I think in junior high. That’s the only one I got. I like it, as…
Five Things I Can’t Live Without
Here we are again, doing my best figuring out what the hell I’m doing. Writing to write…hopefully find some focus blog. Here I am at day 6 of the 30 Day Blog Challenge. I think I am going to try to increase my blog entries to twice a week, and see where that gets me.…
Growing Up
We are continuing on with the 30 Day Blog Post Challenge. Growing up. What can I say…not exactly my favorite subject to talk/write about. I know that I am not alone in this. To those also on this path (if anyone ever reads this), I am with you in solidarity for healing. I grew up…